Thursday, September 24, 2009

畳の日(tatami no hi): Day of tatami mats

Have you ever seen a Japanese style house? It is difficult to see the totally Japanese style house these days because many houses are the mixture of Japanese style and Western style.
The characteristics of Japanese houses are made of wood. They have sliding doors, there are an entrance space to take off the shoes called genkan (玄関) and a closet for shoes called getabako (下駄箱). Rooms are covered by the tatami (畳) mats, and the size of the room is measured by the numbers of tatami mats, such as yojohan (四畳半), 4 1/2 mats (9 ft x 9 ft) or rokujyo (六畳), 6 mats (9 ft x 12 ft) or hachijo (八畳), 8 mats (12 ft x 12 ft), though the size of a tatami mat is different depends on the region. Tatami is made of igusa (イグサ), rush.
Japanese room is used for many purposes such as a dining room, a living room, and a sleeping room.
They say today is tatami no hi(畳の日), Day of tatami mats. It was established by zenkoku tatami sangyo shinkokai(全国畳産業振興会), Japan Tatami Industry Promotion Association. They decided 2 days of tatami mats in a year. One is on April 29 because the color of raw material is green and April 29 is midori no hi(みどりの日), Green Day. The other is September 24 because it is seiso no hi(清掃の日) Day of Cleaning therefore to promote cleaning by taking up tatami mats from the floor.
I did not know about this anniversary at all.

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