Friday, September 11, 2009


It's been 8 years since 9.11 happened. How has your life changed since that date?
It was night in Japan. When I was watching the night news, the shocking scene was on air. I could not believe at all. I felt like I was watching the movie.
In October 2006 I visited the Ground Zero. There is the Tribution Center nearby and I attended the Tour for $10 and met the bereaved family. If I did not join the tour, the Ground Zero must have been looked as if just a construction site.
I was very much moved to see the monument titled "11 Tears" in the American Express building. There were messages to the 11 victims of the American Express. Water drop from the ceiling like tears into the pool, and the ripples happen.
This reminded me of the pool of the grave of Robert Kennedy in Arlington. Bubbles come out of one side of the pool, and they make ripples. He said like "Peace will spread like a circle."
Last year on September 11, I was at the airport of Madrid, Spain to come back to the USA. The security was very severe, so was the baggage check. There were very few passengers on the plane.
I hope the world peace.

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