Sunday, September 6, 2009

目黒のさんま祭り(meguro no sanma matsuri): Pacific Saury Festival in Meguro

Japan is surrounded by seas, therefore we eat many marine products. There are many kinds of fish depends on the season. Now is the time for sanma (秋刀魚:literally means autumn sword fish), pacific saury.
There was the big sanma festival in Meguro (目黒), Tokyo. Do you know Japanese comic storytelling called rakugo(落語)? There are many interesting stories, and one of them is titled Meguro no sanma(目黒の秋刀魚), Pacific Saury in Meguro.
Therefore the festival was held in Meguro. It was the 14th festival. Last year 12,000 people visited. This year more than 16,000 people visited and lined up for free grilled sanma for 1.5 km for a few hours.
6,000 sanma were offered from Miyako city (宮古市), Iwate (岩手), 10,000 sudachi (すだち), citrus were offered from Tokushima (徳島), and 500 daikon(大根), Japanese radish were offered from Tochigi(栃木). Grilled sanma is usually eaten with daikon oroshi(大根おろし:grated daikon) and lime, lemon or other citrus juices.
There were some rakugo performances too.

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