Thursday, September 17, 2009

モノレール開業記念日(monoreiru kaigyo kinenbi): Anniversary of opening monorail

They say September 17 is monoreiru kaigyo kinenbi (モノレール開業記念日), Anniversary of opening monorail. In 1964 the Tokyo monorail line between Hamamatsu-cho (浜松町) and Haneda Airport (羽田空港) opened as a part of preparing the Tokyo Olympic. It was the first passenger monorail in Japan.
The fare was yen250 for 15 minutes. The base fare of the national railway was yen20, therefore it was 12.5 times. Now it costs yen470 for 17.8km (11.1ml). The base fare of JR is yen130, therefore it is 3.6 times.
There have been monorails for sightseeing since 1957 in Ueno (上野), Japan. The first monorail in the world was made in 1820 in Russia.

On September 16, 2008 the first woman driver of monorail appeared in Tokyo Monorail Co., Ltd.


  1. My name is Kusuda.

    I visited your site to know that you wrote about my world record of 52 days full-marathon.

    Thank you.



  2. Hello, Kusuda-san. Thank you for visiting my site. I am so impressed to get your comment, because you are the person I mentioned in my blog. You really made a wonderful record and encouraged so many people.
    I visited your site too. I was surprised to know your wife's name is also Kimiko san in the Asahi newspaper article. You wrote a book too, didn't you? I hope to read it someday.
    Let's keep in touch!

    はじめまして。私の書いた記事のご本人様から直接コメントをいただけるなんて,大感激です!! 楠田さんは、本当に素晴らしい記録を打ち立て,多くの人に感動を与えたと思います。 
