Tuesday, February 2, 2021


It was heavily raining in the morning, but rather warm.

Today is setsubun(節分), the day before spring.Setsubun literally means to divide seasons. There are four seasons in Japan, therefore there are four setsubun in a year. However when we say setsubun, we mean the day before spring.

Usually it falls on February 3, but this year it is February 2 which happens after 124 years.

There are special foods and custom on this day. We scatter the roasted beans saying "Oni wa soto fuku wa uchi (鬼は外福は内)" meaning evils out fortunes in.
And we eat roasted beans as much as our age.

We eat rolled sushi with seven ingredients called ehomaki (恵方巻き) facing the good direction of the year without saying anything.
I did all.

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