Tuesday, April 23, 2024


It was rainy and cold in the morning but became fine in the evening.

There were many paperworks.

After work I went shopping at two places.

After coming home I cooked dinner.

At night I watched some TV and zoom seminar programs I missed yesterday by NHK plus and YouTube. How convenient it has been!

Monday, April 22, 2024


It was cloudy at first but became rain in the evening.

In the morning I attended two zoom sessions. First was nearly 60 participants and just listening. Second was just two of us, instractor and myself, and after talking many things for an hour, the instractor send me the prescription for success. It was informative and so useful.

After that I went to Yokohama to see a movie "Oppenheimer."
And I went to see the Great Gold Exhibition which I knew from the article of yesterday's paper. At the venue I noticed the recent TV news of the stolen golden tea cup.

I went to some ATMs.

At night while watching TV and zoom session, I fell asleep.

Sunday, April 21, 2024


Happy 32nd Anniversary of opening of the  Expo '92! How fast time flies!

It was fine.

I stayed at home all day long and got rested.

I prepared two Kimonos for the next week, ironing, sewing collar, and choosing accessories.

While ironing I watched the recorded movie "A Perfect Day" directed Clint Eastwood starring by Kevin Cosner.

At night I attended a zoom seminar.