Sunday, February 23, 2020


It was fine.

Today is a national holiday called tenno tanjobi(天皇誕生日), Emeror's birthday. He became 60 years old. Being 60 is known as kanreki (還暦), returning calendar. Each day is a combination of 10  stems and 12  zodiac signs which is called jikkan junishi (十干十二支). 60 is one cycle. So after 60, it starts the cycle again.

Since today is Sunday, we have a transferred holiday tomorrow.

I went to Shinjuku to see a play titled "Share the World 2020" which is a story at a share house with my friend.

After that we visited Hanazono jinja (花園神社) shrine and had a famous sweets called Hanazono manju (花園万頭) at a tea room in front of the shrine.

From today free promotion of my 10th e-book started. I hope many people enjoy it.

It was a nice day.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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