Thursday, March 1, 2018


A new month has started. March is sangatsu(三月) or yayoi (弥生).
It is the end of a fiscal year and an academic year in Japan. It is a time of graduation.

It has rained heavily since last night and strong wind was still blowing this morning. Weather forecast said it would be more than 22 degrees centigrade like the end of April or early May at the daytime.

Fortunately when I left home, it stopped raining and I did not have to use the unbrella.

As a custom of the first day of the month I visited two shrines, one near my house.
the other near my office.
When I visited the latter, they were offering amazake (甘酒) which is made from the sake produced in Izumo (出雲) and hinaarare (雛あられ), sweet rice crackers for hinamatsuri (ひなまつり), Doll's Festival on March 3. Amazake was very tasty with yuzu (柚). They said they would offer them until March 5 as long as they have.
I felt very lucky.

After work I went to attend a talk event of my teacher in Yotsuya. There I met some friends whom I met at his event last month.
Then five of us went to nearby izakaya (居酒屋) and enjoyed eating & drinking & talking.
It was very interesting.

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