Sunday, March 8, 2015


It was a cold rainy day.

I went to Shinjuku to attend a monthly meeting.

Then I had lunch with my friend at the sushi restaurant.

After that I went to Kimono-style Miya to see the "Thank you sale. " The chair person of the board of directors of the company became 80 years old, therefore they offered special discount of 30% cash back. I have wanted to buy a summer kimono called "sha"(紗) , gauze for a long time, and I decided to buy it finally.

After that I went to buy a present for my friend who started the business. Since I wanted to present with two other friends, I took three pictures of the items I chose and asked them by sending them through Line. How convenient it is! I got a reply from one of them and decided the goods and arranged to deliver it on the next good day called "Taian (大安). "

At night I received the goods I ordered the other day.  It is additive liquid for fuel which will save gasoline. I am looking forward to using it tomorrow.

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