Saturday, November 1, 2014


Happy Halloween!!
Have you wear the costume? I saw some people wearing them in Yokohama.  Now there are so many people wearing costume in Shibuya, which I have just seen on TV news.
It was cloudy today.
I did many things today.
First I went to learn how to tie sash of kimono in front. Usually we do in the back, but since I bought a special under-sash belt the other day, I went to learn how to use it.

Second I went to see my friend at her office.  She started a new business and now owns her own office in Yokohama.

Third I went to Yurakucho to take a medical check. It took only 20 minutes to examine for nearly 10 items.
Fourth I came back to Yokohama to see two movies, Hercules and Fushigi na misaki no monogatari (ふしぎな岬の物語).  I had 18 points to see movies, but this term (May to October) I only used 5 points and today was the last day of using those points.  I lost 13 points in vain. I should have used them every month for 3 points.

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