Saturday, October 5, 2013


It was a cold rainy day.
I went to Shinjuku (新宿) to attend a monthly meeting in the morning, then went to Yokohama (横浜) to attend the 40th anniversary lecture of Ms. Setouchi Jakucho (瀬戸内寂聴) who entered the Buddhist  monastery at the age of 51.   Though she is already 91 years old, she is very active and her talk was very interesting.  She has written many books and she is still writing.  I was going to attend the lecture with my ex-colleague but she could not come and I went there with my colleague from Expo 92.  After the lecture we went to have a cake set at the nearby restaurant.  To our interesting our father's birthdays were just 1 week differences.
After that I went to see a Japanese movie "Shazai no osama (謝罪の王様)" literally The King of Apology.  It is a comedy written by Mr. Kudo Kankuro (宮藤官九郎) who also wrote the NHK's morning drama "Amachan (あまちゃん)."  I went to see this movie because one of my classmates said she appeared there as an extra.  It was an interesting movie. 

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