Wednesday, January 12, 2011

1月12日(ichigatsu jyuni nichi): January 12

A goodwill contribution activity has been popular since the last Christmas. This is called Date Naoto gensho (伊達直人現象, Date Naoto Phenomenon) or Tiger Mask undo (タイガーマスク運動、Tiger Mask Movement).
Date Naoto is a name of the hero of the popular comic "Tiger Mask" written in the late 1960s. He was raised in orphans' home and became a professional wrestler and donated his prize money to the orphans' home.
On December 25 last year 10 randoseru (ランドセル, school bags for primary school children) were donated to the Children's Office under the name of Date Naoto. Since that time many gifts such as randoseru, stationery, toy, food, and cash (yen 1,000,000 or yen 100,000) have been donated to the nursing institutions for children.
As of January 12, they are reached 299 cases in 47 prefectures, that is all over Japan.
What heartwarming stories they are!

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