Wednesday, January 19, 2011

1月19日(ichigatsu jyuku nichi ): January 19

Japan is an island country. There are four big islands, namely Hokkaido (北海道), Honshu (本州), Shikoku (四国), and Kyushu (九州). There are many small islands. Can you guess how many?
In today's Nikkei (日経) evening paper, there was an answer. The number of islands which circumference is more than 100 meters is 6,852. Among them Northern four islands and Takeshima (竹島) are under control of other countries.
The research has not been conducted since 1987 because there was no new upheaval by volcanic activities.
Nagasaki (長崎) prefecture has 971 islands which is the most, followed by Kagoshima (鹿児島) 605, Hokkaido 508, Shimane (島根) 369, Okinawa (沖縄) 362, Tokyo (東京)330, Miyagi (宮城) 311 and so on.
Inland prefectures and Osaka (大阪) do not have islands.
Hokkaido has the longest coast line of 4,377km.
The easternmost island and the southernmost island belong to Tokyo.

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