Saturday, January 8, 2011

1月8日(ichigatsu yoka): January 8

It's been a week since the New Year started. How is your 2011 so far?

It's been getting colder and colder here, but the air is clear and the scenery looks beautiful, so do the moon and stars.

Today I had a new year's party at my friend's house. The new year's party is called shinnenkai (新年会). Tomorrow I have another new year's party at the Spanish restaurant.


  1. Nice Blog..
    so inspiring, online teaching via Skype is new for me. fow now, i'm only work as a freelance translator beside teaching Japanese as lecturer

    please do visit my blog, (its in Bahasa Indonesian, sorry)

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  3. Thank you for your comment.
    I visited your blog, but unfortunately I could not read.....
