Sunday, August 19, 2018


It was fine and hot.

I went to Shinagawa to see some friends, and ate lunch at Akita foods restaurant.

In the afternoon I went to Yokohama to see two movies. One is a Japanese movie and the other is an American movie.  I wanted to see the Japanese movie first, but when I got to the theater about 30 minutes before starting, it was already sold out. So I changed the American movie "Ocean's Eight" first, and the Japanese movie "Kamera wo tomeruna (カメラを止めるな)," which means "Don't stop shooting!" second. Both were good.  I was recommended the latter by my Expo '92 friend about a  month ago and wanted to see it by all means.
There is a reason for someone to recommend something. So whenever someone recommends me something I want to try at least once.
I hope all of my friends take the same attitude.

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