Tuesday, June 30, 2020


It was fine.

I attemded a zoom seminar at lunch time.

There was a zoom meeting at night. It reminded me what snd how I was doing about 10 years ago. I am expected to act as I was used to.

Monday, June 29, 2020


It was a rainy day and I stayed at home all day long. 

I felt lucky because it was fine and did not rain yesterday and I could wear kimono without worrying anything.

I slept a lot to recover from the fatigue.

I listened to the online tea ceremony lectures finally. To my surprise, they issued the certificate.

Today was the last day of 21 Day Meditation Challenge of Creating of Abundance. It was a nice experience.

Sunday, June 28, 2020


It was fine.

I started the day early.

I did TV exercise and meditate for the 20th day and changed to kimono, and headed for the Hie jinja shrine where I did OJT as one of 10 power spot meisters.

There were two groups, each of them consisted of 5 meisters. I was the second of the afternoon group.
Since I arrived about a half hour earlier, I visited the shrine and prayed for today's success.
Each person had 20 minutes.

I had lunch at a Japanese style restaurant in the precinct.

I needed the flexibility during my explanation.
I saw some friends as audience.
Many people liked my kimono style today.

After the tour we had dinner at a Chinese restaurant. We had a very good time.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Saturday, June 27, 2020


It was fine.

I finished reading an ebook finally. It should be read one item per one day to cultivate. I read only when I was on a train in the morning and in the evening for seven days contents each.

They say there was a concert of Southern All Stars, a popular music group at the Yokohama arena without inviting anybody yesterday. It's been 42 years since their debut. Since it was online live, they say about 500,000 people enjoyed watching. If it was a real live concert, the maximum number should be 17,000 people. 

Many things are possible in this time, aren't they?

Thursday, June 25, 2020


It was heavily raining in the morning, therefore I decided to use the big umbrella, but after all I only used it for a short time.

Today I went out for lunch at a Japanese restaurant with three ladies. One of them will leave the office at the end of this month so this was the farewell luncheon. We enjoyed the ladies' sushi lunch set.

One of my zoom friends started selling the tea ceremony lesson movie called Sado Retreat. This is a very good idea.  I hope to do something like this in the future.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


It was cloudy.

I got up and did TV exercise, but did not have time to meditate before leaving home.

There were many things to do at work and could not meditate in the day time.

At night I watched a TV drama after a long time. It was about a dignity of super temporary staff. It was interesting.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


It was fine.

I got up early and did TV exercise and meditation before leaving home.

At office I had a long meeting. But this will facilitate my job of this week.

I will be a guide of the Hie Shrine this Saturday. So I need to prepare the presentation for 20 minutes or so. There are lots of interesting secrets and stories to mention there so I will examine which to tell.

They say from today Ueno zoo and Tokyo Disney Resort opened.

Monday, June 22, 2020


It was a rainy day.

To my lucky there is a dining hall in the building where my office is, so when it rains, I sometimes eat there. It was around 13:15 when I went there, and there was only one set menu left. It was a variety set and the main dish was three fried foods such as fish, meat and cream croquette.

On my way home I dropped at Yokosukachuo to buy some stationery.

Today is the 100th day of my practice of 3000 times saying thank you. And the very good thing happened. I was chosen as one of the ten guides to introduce the Hie shrine this Saturday.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.


It was a special day of new moon, summer solstice, solar eclipse, and taian (大安).

They say it's been 372 years since summer solstice and solar eclipse happen on the same day.

I did many things today.

I attended a morning activity of awaker's method, kick boxing exercise, Dream Rush Pre celebration, and so on.

It was an eventful day.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Saturday, June 20, 2020


It was fine.

I started the day from Laughter Yoga and did meditation twice in the morning.

I changed to kimono and headed for Akasaka to attend the Power Spot Meister Training The Day 4. 

It started at 13:00 and finished at 21:00.
It was consisted of preparation, lecture, official prayer at the Hie Shrine, lecture again, dinner, and the graduation ceremony.
Official visit to the Hie Shrine was really impressive.

Three years ago of today I became a Reiki Teacher.
Today I became a Power Spot Meister.
June 20 seems another birthday for me.

Today is the most powerful day of this year which is a combination of ichiryumanbaibi (一粒万倍日) which is the day when one grain becomes 10000 times, and tenshabi (天赦日), which is the day when the heaven forgives everything.

I hope someday I will guide foreign visitors to the shrines to introduce Japanese beautiful and unique culture.

I got a surprise present.

It was a nice day.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Friday, June 19, 2020


It was a rainy day and rather cool.

I did TV exercise but did not have time to meditate before leaving home in the morning so I did at lunch time.

I am glad to see my old friend in the NHK' s morning drama.

I changed some schedules of this weekend. 

Tomorrow will be the most powerful day of this year. I am very looking forward to attending many events.

Thursday, June 18, 2020


It was cloudy in the morning but slightly rained in the evening.

I did TV exercise but did not have time to medeitate before leaving home so that I meditated at lunch time. 

This is the 11th day of 21 Day Meditation challenge. If you continue something good for 21 days, it will become your habit. If your habit changes, your life will change.  I am looking forward to meditate another 10 days and seeing what will be changed.

There is another 21 Days challenge I have been trying. It is to list three things that you can appreciate, to write the exciting thing you exercise, and to write the impression of the day.


It was fine.

I got up early and did TV exercise and meditation before leaving home. Today's meditation requires me to do for three times a day and I did at lunch time for the second time, and at night for the third one.

At office I was rather busy and I stayed there all day long.

On my way home I got off at Yokosukachuo to visit some bank ATMs. To my glad the special allowance for the emergency measures was transferred.

After coming back, I ate a quick supper and attended a zoom tea party for the people of No.4  by Numerology. It was fun.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


It was cloudy, fine, and very hot.

I practiced TV exercise but did not have time to meditate before leaving home. So I meditated at lunch time today.

During daytime I stayed at the office building all day long.

I finished checking old data and sent some emails to be confirmed.

I happened to see the person who comes to our office building once a month or so because his main office is in other place. There were some pending issues but one of them was solved.

To my lucky I could get on the earlier train than usual on my way back home so that I cooked some dishes for supper.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Monday, June 15, 2020


It was cloudy, fine and very hot, the hottest day in this year.

I got up early and did 8th day meditation and TV exercise before leaving home. I visited the nearby shrine before getting on train.

Today was the first day after about 2 months teleworking. Because of this long absence there were some malfunctions on PC and printer connection at the office. To my lucky there is an IT support staff who fixed the problem.

I have just watched a TV program about the final tour of Gene Simmons of Kiss. He has always had makeup so that this was the first tine for me to see his real face. He is already 70, but looks younger than he is. He is a business owner besides musician. He is so talented. "Life is precious." So he has been doing something all the time.


It was cloudy and rainy.

I attended a zoom Kid's Yoga and Global Online Symposium about Child Education with Corona in the morning.

I attended a zoom open campus in the afternoon.

I went grocery shopping in the evening. I hoped to buy the refil of hand soap but they were all sold out.

From tomorrow I will commute again.

Saturday, June 13, 2020


It was cloudy at first but became rain.

I attended a zoom laughter yoga session first, and a two-hour mentoring program next. Instructors are studying vision psychology and used the SIQ cards (Spritual, Success Intelligent Quotient Card). There are 50 negative cards, and there are 50 positive cards. Among them I drew one of each. The negative card was Possessiveness and the positive card was Vision. It was very interesting because when I submitted the pre-questionnaire, they thought I should draw "vision" card.  There was another participant. She drew Separation and Mastery.  There were something we can share. So these four words were very meaningful.

In the afternoon I went to Yokohama to see a Chinese movie "So Long, My Son" which got the best actor and best actress awards at The 69th Berlin International Film Festival. Japanese title is Arishi hi no uta (在りし日の歌), which literally means The song which was sung when he was alive. Quite different from the original title, isn't it?

After that I visited a kimono shop and got some presents.

I bought a commuting ticket from next week

It was a nice day.

Friday, June 12, 2020


It was cloudy at first, rained a little bit, and became fine.

I attended the Janet Attwood's meditation sesseion in the morning. I am very glad to have talked with her directly.

I joined the morning activity a little bit.

I had a zoom meeting in the afternoon to take over the new assignment.

After work I attended a three hour zoom seminar to learn the reborn method. There are many interesting things to learn.

Thursday, June 11, 2020


It was cloudy and windy in the morning but became rain.

I attended a zoom laughter yoga before working.

They say the rainy season has come. Rainy season is tsuyu (梅雨) in Japanese, which literally means plum rain. The start of rainy season is called tsuyuiri (梅雨入り), and the end of rainy season is called tsuyuake (梅雨明け).

At night I attended a zoom session. I have attended this before, but everytime there is something to learn.

Tomorrow will be the last day for our office staff to do telework.

I am worried about returning to commuting life a little bit.


It was fine in the morning and I saw the beautiful Mt.Fuji. In the afternoon it became windy and slightly rained.

In the morning I attended a research presentation session in English.

In the afternoon I tried to make data sheet.

At night I attended a zoom seminar about Japanese Mythology hosted by high school teachers in Hokkaido.
After that I attended a zoom tea party of Numerology.
Zoom is very convenient which enables us to get together regardless of distance for free of charge.

I enjoyed learning many things and got inspired.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


It was fine but windy.

I stayed at home all day long.

I attended a zoom laughter yoga before working.

There were many things to do today.
In the evening there were two meetings.

At nigjt I started listening to the audio course I have been interested in.


It was fine and hot.

I got up early and practiced TV exercise.

Today is the first day of 21 Days of Abundance Self- exploration. Today's task was to think of 50 people who influenced my life.
I meditated and did laughter yoga before work.

At lunch tine I harvested butterburs for the third time and cooked.

After work I listened to some Facebook lives which I missed at the real time.

Monday, June 8, 2020


It was fine.

I got up early and did TV exercise and attended Kid's yoga in the morning.

I went to Kimono-style Miya to have my hair set, make-up, dressed-up, and my pictures taken. 

After that I visited Iseyamakotaijingu (伊勢山皇大神宮) and Naritasan (成田山) and went to Yokohama. I watched a Japanese movie "Yayoi, sangatsu (弥生、三月)" which I wanted to see in March finally.

After that I went back to Kimono-Style Miya and have my pictures taken again with a friend, and we went to eat cake set together.

I enjoyed the day very much.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Sunday, June 7, 2020


It was cloudy.

I stayed at home all day long.

I attended Laugh Yoga first. I heard there were another three sessions (Kid's yoga, handclapping, laugh yoga) soon after that and I decided to attend it too.

From 10 there  was a reading meeting for two hours. 

So I attended three zoom sessions in the morning.

In the afternoon I prepared for kimono tomorrow.

I was going to attend two other zoom sessions at night, but I fell asleep while watching TV.

Friday, June 5, 2020


It was fine and hot.

I stayed at home all day long.

I attended laugh yoga and morning activity before working.

Today is boshu (芒種), one of nijushisekki(二十四節気), 24 solar terms. The last one was shoman (小満) on May 20, and the next one is geshi (夏至) on June 21.
It is a time to seed something that has beard such as wheat.

Tomorrow is fullmoon. It is called Strawberry moon. From tomorrow till July 21 which is a new moon through geshi,  summer solstice they say the power of the moon will be very strong.

Thursday, June 4, 2020


It was fine. I stayed at hone all day long.

June 4 is mushiba yobo de (虫歯予防デー), Day of preventing tooth decay.

I got up early and did TV exercise. I attended Laugh yoga before starting work.

I attended a zoom seminar which dealt with free softwear such as Kahoot!, Slido, Spatial chat, and Remo. They are interesting , but I wonder if I can manage something dealing with Zoom.

After work I attended an Online Reiki seminar which started at 21:30 at night.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


It was cloudy but hot.

I got up early and attended TV exercise and zoom laugh yoga before working.

At night I attended a zoom seminar of becoming a home counselor. Things I learned were a trigger is always feeling, a counselor is a gas station for love, those who can't value now can't value future, so we have to be happy now, to give advice denies the client,  I choose love is the highest affirmation, we have made the reality of what we are now, and listening is important.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


It was fine and hot.

I got up early and practiced TV exercise after a while, and attended laugh yoga before working.

I am glad to have repaired the curtain rail finally.

I attended a zoom seminar in the morning. I was surprised to know many free online programs.

There were three squirrels running on the roof and rail of the balcony.

I received Abe no mask finally, and a tea gift from Suzuki motors for stock owners.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Monday, June 1, 2020


A new month has started. June us rokugatsu (六月、6月) the sixth month or minazuki (水無月) literally water without month, though it is a rainy season.

June 1 is known as koromogae (衣替え), the time to change clothings.

It was a rainy day.

I went to a nearby shrine for the 1st day ritual and attended laugh yoga before starting work. There were many things to do. To my shock the power of PC suddenly became off. I hope it will be OK soon.


The last day of May.

It was cloudy.

I attended a zoom Kid's Yoga lesson in the morning for the first time. It was fun.

From 9:45 to 15:30 I attended a zoom seminar. It was about to find a burning desire. Do you have the burning desire which you want to do even without getting paid, and even if everybody opposed to do so?

After that I went to grocery shopping at two stores.

After coming back I went to a kimono shop and a beauty salon.There was a lottery at the kimono shop and I got a third prize which was a famous sponge cake from Nagasaki.
At the beauty shop I got a head spa as a birthday gift.

It was an eventful day.