Saturday, April 9, 2011

4月9日(shigatsu kokonoka): April 9

It rained.
I went to once a week grocery shopping. I could buy toilet paper, tissue paper, and the big batteries which we could not buy until last week.
We still have few yogurt and ramen. The price of vegetables was rather cheap. It may be because of supporting the farmers from Ibaraki (茨城) prefecture. Because there is damage caused by a rumor in the Fukushima (福島) Nuclear Plants. Many spinach were thrown away. So people avoided buying vegetables from Ibaraki prefecture in the fear of radiation. Therefore farmers are trying to sell other vegetables by all means.
The supermarket I go used to issue the 10 % off coupon, but they stopped to issue this month. They say it is because of the earthquake, but I do not understand. They should issue the coupon to attract more consumers and we should buy more and activate our economy to save the people in Tohoku (東北) area.

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