Wednesday, January 27, 2010

一月二十七日(ichigatsu nijyushichi nichi): January 27

They say January 27 is the anniversary of the establishment of the national flag. Until 1870 there were many different flags used on the ships, but on January 27, 1870 the design and the standard of the national flag was fixed. At that time the ratio of the length and width was 7 and 10.
On August 13, 1999 the new law of national flag (国旗:kokki) and national anthem (国家:kokka) was enforced. The ratio of the length and width became 2 and 3. The diameter of the red circle is 3/5 of the length.
Japanese flag is called hi no maru(日の丸) in Japanese. Hi(日) means Sun, no(の) means of, and maru (丸) means circle.

There are so many different flags in the world. I wonder how the children of the countries whose flags are so complicated would draw or paint their flags.

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