Saturday, January 9, 2010

1月9日(ichigatsu kokonoka): January 9

Today is the first day (初日:shonichi) of the three day weekend (三連休:san ren kyu).
I went to listen to the lecture of Mr. Ken Honda(本田健), a million seller writer. He studies about money and happiness and wrote The Millionaire's Philosophy for A Happy Life (ユダヤ人大富豪の教え:yudayajin daifugo no oshie). This book is translated into other languages. He has lived in Florida and met a Jewish Millionaire. He wrote about the experience.
It was the second time for me to attend his lecture. I was lucky enough to be invited for both times. The theme was "How to be a happy rich by doing what you like in 2010." He talked many things and his talk was very interesting.
First you need to find what you like to be a happy rich. To find what you like, he suggested the following magical questions:
1. What did you like most when you were a child?
2. What are you giving up without any special reason?
3. What are you afraid to do though you want to do?
4. What do you want to do for 30 people in a room?
5. What are 10 things you want to do before you die?
How will you answer them?

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