Saturday, May 9, 2009

アイスクリームの日(aisu kurimu no hi):Day of Ice Cream

They say May 9 is the Day of Ice Cream in Japan. It was established in 1965 by Tokyo aisukurimu kyokai (東京アイスクリーム協会) now Nihon aisukurimu kyokai (日本アイスクリーム協会), Japan Ice Cream Association.
They had a memorial event on May 9, 1964 after the golden week and the beginning of ice cream season. Since that time May 9 became the day of ice cream.
In Japan the first ice cream was called aisukurin (あいすくりん) and said to be sold in Yokohama on May 9, 1869. It cost about yen 8,000 ($80) for one person. The production of ice cream at the factory started around World War I and when it became popular among the people was after World War II.
The first Japanese that ate the ice cream are said to be the delegation who went to the USA in 1860 such as Katsu Kaishu (勝海舟) and Fukuzawa Yukichi (福沢諭吉).

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