Monday, September 15, 2014


It was a national holiday called keiro no hi (敬老の日), Respect-for-the Aged Day.  It used to be on September 15, but it's been changed to the third Monday of September since 2003.  This year it happened to fall on September 15.

The population of more than 65 years old people in Japan reached 32.96 million (14.21 million for men, 18.75 million for women) which is about 25.9% of all population.  The population of more than 75 years old reached 15.9 million which is 12.5 %.  That is one eighths is 75 years old in Japan.

Today I went to Tokyo to attend a Science Seminar via Yokosuka to do some errands.  There were two lecturers who are doctors and seven people who talked their own experience.  It was a nice one.

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