Tuesday, January 1, 2013


あけましておめでとうございます。(akemashite omedeto gozaimasu)
Happy New Year!!
!Feliz Ano Nuevo!

In the morning of the New Year's Day is called gantan (元旦), and New Year's Day is called ganjitsu (元日).  Gan (元) means beginning. 
It was a beautiful day.   Every New Year's Day I try to take pictures of Mt. Fuji and  so did today   Here are two of them, morning and evening.  I hope you enjoy.
I cooked ozoni (お雑煮) and ate osechiryori (おせち料理) in the morning.  These are special dishes for the new year.  What do you eat in your country for the new year?
My favorite thing of New Year's Day is to receive New Year's Cards (年賀状:nengajo).  When I was young, there was another favorite thing, that is otoshidama (お年玉), new year's monetary gift which is given by adults.

Today I got a sad news from the USA.  My most respectable woman, Ms. Beate Sirota Gordon passed away on December 30, 2012 at the age of 89 in New York.  She tried hard to write Women's Civil Right into the new constitution of Japan after World War II.  I visited her last October to hand my first essay.  She welcomed me at her apartment.  She looked smaller and weaker than I saw her before.  She said she was sad losing her beloved husband Joseph in the previous month. 
May her soul rest in peace with him.  ご冥福をお祈りします。(gomeifuku wo oinori shimasu.)

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