Saturday, December 4, 2010

十二月四日(jyunigatsu yokka): December 4

I went to the Noritake Museum and the Nagoya Castle.
There is one day bus ticket called Meguru (メーグル). Buses circulate many sightseeing spots. You can get on and off as many times as you like. One distance costs yen 200 but one day ticket costs yen 500. So if you use more than three times, you'd better buy one day ticket. Moreover you can get discounts for the entrance fees and special gifts at the restaurants and shops.
Noritake is a very famous ceramic company. I was surprised to see many products of ceramics besides china such as dishes and cups.
At the Nagoya Castle, there was a show by Omotenashi Bushotai (おもてなし武将隊) which is a special group of actors dressed up as warriors or warlords from this area in 16th century such as Maeda Toshiie (前田利家), Toyotomi Hideyoshi (豊臣秀吉), and Tokugawa Ieyasu (徳川家康). Since this year remarks the 400 years anniversary of the start of Edo period, they appeal and promote the tourism in Nagoya.

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