Monday, December 27, 2010

十二月二十七日(jyunigatsu nijyushichi nichi): December 27

Last Monday of 2010.
In the newspaper they started wrapping up the year 2010, and there were articles of 10 big business news, or 10 best seller books or 10 best seller CDs or one's 3 best movies of the year and so on.
Besides these there were many articles of sports events of yesterday.
There was one small article which drew my attention. It is a picture of the artist who went to Hungary with his hair half shaved which is hangari (半刈り) in Japanese. It is the fruit of his sense of humor.
Actually there were two pictures. One is left side shaved, the other is right side shaved. He had rather long hair, moustache, and beard. It took 3 years to take that picture until he has the same length of the hair. But while waiting, the artist lived his life as usual. It's amazing.

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