Sunday, July 26, 2009

名古屋場所千秋楽(Nagoya basho senshuraku)

Today was the last day for the grand sumo tournament at Nagoya(名古屋). Yokozuna Hakuho(横綱 白鵬) became a champion by 14 to 1. This was his 11th victory. Since he became a yokozuna, grand champion on May 30, 2007 at the age of 22, this was his 8th victory in 13 grand sumo tournaments. This is the 9th record in the sumo history which is the same record as Akebono (曙) who retired in January 2001 had.
Hakuho is 192 cm tall, 151 kg, 24 years old, and from Mongolia. He respects the yokozuna Futabayama(横綱 双葉山) of Showa (昭和) era who won 12 times.
There are 6 grand sumo tournaments in a year, and four of them have finished. Hakuho only lost 3 matches among these four tournaments.

There are three prizes called sansho (三賞).
Kanto sho(敢闘賞), the fighting spirit prize was given to Shotenro (翔天狼), who is 189 cm tall, 154 kg, 27 years old from Mongolia. Gino sho(技能賞), the technique prize was awarded to Aminishiki (安美錦), who is 185cm tall, 144kg, 30 years old from Aomori (青森) prefecture. However nobody got shukunsho (殊勲賞), the outstanding performance award this time.

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