Sunday, June 9, 2024


It was cloudy during the daytime and became rain at night.

I got up early and made rice balls for lunch  and took 5:26 train to go to Tokyo to attend one day trip to Mt. Tsukuba where I have wanted to visit for a long time.

We left the Tokyo station at 7:30, stopped at Moriya Service Area, and arrived at Tsukuba at 9:20.
We visited Tsukubasan jinja shrine first, climbed up to the Nyotaisan, 877 m, and Nantaisan, 871 m, and came down by cable car.

We came back to the Tokyo station at 17:30.

I visited one more place where the tour conductor recommended.

After that I visited the 5th Dragon Art Festa at Yurakucho and met friends.

After coming home I attended a monthly  zoom seminar to read a calendar.

It was a nice day.

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