Saturday, June 22, 2024


It was a rainy day.

They say the rainy season in Kanto has finally begun after two weeks later than regular year.

Today is geshi (夏至), one of nijushisekki (二十四節気), the 24 solar terms. Last one was boshu (芒種) on June 5, and the next one is shosho (小暑) on July 6.
Geshi is the time when the daytimeT s the longest in a year.

I went to Tokyo to attend the tour to Kanmuri inari jinja shrine in Gunma. We had nice lunch first and formal visit next.
It was a very nice visit.

After coming back to Tokyo, I had dinner with Meister friend.

From today 124th present started.To my delight it is No.1 in Japan.

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