Thursday, June 6, 2024


It was fine.

Today is boshu (芒種), one of nijushisekki (二十四節気), 24 solar terms. The last one was shoman (小満) on May 21 and the next one is geshi (夏至) on June 21.
What do you eat for lunch?
When I go to office, I eat lunch at cafeteria which has 3 to 4 daily menues.
I usually choose something I do not cook at home.
Yesterday I chose tempura and today I chose marinated deep fried fish.
There was no dessert again.
My colleague gave me cookies instead.

There is an hour lunch time. I spend half an hour at cafeteria and another half at lounge to watch NHK's rebroadcast of the morning dramas.

There was a problem and I needed to solve it in the evening.

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