Saturday, July 28, 2012


Today is doyo no ushi no hi (土用の丑の日).  In Japanese calender 12 is one cycle.  Have you ever heard jyunishi (十二支), the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac?  There are 12 animals, that is ne (子) for rat, ushi (丑) for ox,  tora (寅) for tiger, u (卯) for rabbit, tatsu (辰) for dragon, mi (巳) for snake, uma (馬) for horse, hitsuji (羊) for sheep, saru (申) for monkey, tori (酉) for cock, inu (戌) for dog, and i (亥) for wildbore. 
This cycle continues to turn.  This is the year of dragon. Each day falls on something.  And today is the day of ox.
Doyo (土用) is the period of 18 days before the first day of each season such as risshun (立春)
 for spring, rikka (立夏) for summer, risshu(立秋) for autumn, and ritto (立冬) for winter.  However we usually mean the 18 days before risshu (立秋).
On the day of ox of the summer doyo, I mean on doyo no ushi no hi, we Japanese usually eat unagi (うなぎ), eels.
But this year it seems they are very expensive and some restaurant decided not to provide.

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