Friday, December 2, 2011

12月2日(jyuni gatsu futsuka): December 2

It was a very cold rainy day. I was very busy and came back home by the last train.

There was the article of the grand prix of this year's vogue-words in today's newspaper. No. 1 was Nadeshiko Japan (なでしこジャパン), who became the world champion of the women's soccer.
Among top 10 there were 5 words which related to the Great East Earthquake.
They are 3.11 which was the day when the Great East Earthquake happened.
Kitaku nanmin (帰宅難民) which means those who could not go home because of the big earthquake on March 11. I was one of them.
Fuhyohigai (風評被害) which means the damage caused by a rumor especially Fukushima Nuclear Plant.
Kizuna (絆) which means the tie made by the big earthquake.
And kodama de shoka (こだまでしょうか) which was the phrase from the CF after the earthquake meaning "Is this the echo?"
For Japanese People the Great East Earthquake was a really big issue of this year.

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