Thursday, May 5, 2011

5月5日(gogatsu itsuka): May 5

May 5 is a national holiday called kodomo no hi(こどもの日), Children's Day. This day is also known as Tango no Sekku(端午の節句). It was the festival day for boys and we have decorated the kabuto (兜) helmet and carp-shaped streamer called koinobori (鯉幟) to wish their healthy growth. We take a bath called shobu yu(菖蒲湯) and eat kashiwa mochi(柏餅) and chimaki (粽).
This is the last day of Golden Week every year but since it is Thursday this year if you take another day off, you have a long vacation. Many people do that and I was one of them.
I went to one night two days trip to Ise (伊勢) where is very famous for the shrine called Ise jingu(伊勢神宮). There is a famous Japanese sweets shop near the shrine and I bought kashiwa mochi there and ate it.

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