Tuesday, November 10, 2009

119番の日(hyakujyukyu ban no hi): Day of dial 119

November 9 (11.9) is Day of 119. What is 119? It is an emergency telephone number in Japan. In case of fire or medical emergency, call 119. If you call, you have to make it clear that if it is fire or emergency. This day was established by Fire and Disaster Management Agency in 1987.
A week from this day is called Fire Prevention Week of Fall. It is followed to the Fire Prevention Week of the USA set in 1922 after the Chicago's big fire.
I found the fire once in my neighborhood many years ago, and called 119 for the first time. It was connected to the central office, and they did not know the local area. Therefore when you call, you have to tell them the details (such as how to get there).
In the USA I have called 911 once when I happened to find the dead person in the golf course. I can't forget the experience.

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