Thursday, August 20, 2009

交通信号の日(kotsu shingo no hi): Anniversary of Traffic Signal

On Aug. 20, 1931 the first Japanese traffic signals of three lights were placed in 34 intersections in Tokyo. The colors are red (aka:赤), yellow (ki:黄 ), and green (midori:緑), but we call the green color blue (ao:青).
The first traffic light of gas in the world was installed in London on Dec. 10, in 1868. The first electric traffic light was set in New York in 1918.

In Japan red means you must not go, yellow means to stop, and green means you may go. In the USA, depends on the places you can turn right even if it is red. So please be careful when you drive in Japan, because you have to stop when it is red.

When I traveled in Washington DC and other places, I saw many traffic lights with left time counting. I had butterflies in my stomach.

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