Friday, August 21, 2009

献血記念日(kenketsu kinenbi): Anniversary of Blood Donation

In 1964 the cabinet decided to establish the system of securing blood for transfusion not by buying blood but by donating blood. Sold blood was called "Yellow blood" because they had fewer corpuscles and more blood plasma. Those blood were not effective and tend to cause side effects such as hepatitis after transfusion. Therefore this was a big social problem.
In 1974 Blood Banks stopped keeping blood, and the system to secure all blood by donation was established.

Ratio of blood type A, O, B, AB in Japanese is 4:3:2:1. The relationship between blood type and personality is a very popular topic among Japanese people, and there are many books about it.
Ratio of blood type in the USA is O 45%, A 40%, B 11%, AB 4%. Most of American people do not know their blood type.

Most of Japanese people usually know their own blood type in case of emergency. On the contrary many of my foreign friends do not care their blood type. Do you know your blood type?

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