Friday, March 6, 2009

世界一周記念日(sekai isshu kinen bi): Around the world anniversary

They say March 6 is Sekai isshu kinenbi(世界一周記念日), around the world anniversary. On March 6, 1967 Nihon Koku (日本航空), Japan Airlines Corporation (JAL) established around the world route. Therefore the following cities were connected by JAL: Tokyo - Honolulu - San Francisco - New York - London - Paris (or Frankfurt) - Rome - Cairo - Teheran - New Delhi - Bangkok - Hong Kong - Tokyo. Around the world route was the biggest dreams of the airline companies. JAL made it after 13 years from their first flight. JAL was the second company which established the route. The first company was British Overseas Airways Corporation. However JAL's around the world route stopped its service in 1972.

Have you ever traveled around the world?
I have circumnavigated for 98 days by the 44th Peace Boat Cruise from Dec. 25, 2003 to March 31, 2004. We took the south route. Therefore I would like to take the north route cruise someday too.
There are some "Around the World Tickets" which cost about US$4,500 for economy class and they are valid for one year. I hope I can travel using these tickets someday.

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