Tuesday, March 10, 2009

砂糖の日(sato no hi): Day of Sugar

They say March 10 is Day of Sugar in Japan because 3.10 is read as sa(3) to(10). Sato (砂糖) is sugar in Japanese. Therefore today is sato no hi(砂糖の日), day of sugar.
There is a certain order to use the basic seasonings in Japanese cooking. That is sa(さ) shi (し) su (す) se (せ) so (そ) which represent the phonemes of the Japanese words.
Sa is sato (砂糖) which is sugar. Shi is shio(塩) which is salt. Su is su (酢) which is vinegar. Se is shoyu (醤油) which is soy sauce. So is miso (味噌) which is soybean paste.
Sake(酒), Japanese rice wine and mirin (味醂), sweetened sake are also used to enhance the flavor of Japanese food.

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