Friday, January 2, 2009

First dream 初夢 (hatsu yume)

初夢(hatsuyume) is the first dream of the year. Some people say it is the first dream of new year's night, but others say it is the second night of the new year. It is believed to be auspicious if you see the dreams of "First-Mt. Fuji, second-hawk, third-eggplant" (those are specialty of Suruga area where the Shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa was from). 初 (hatsu) means for the first time. So 初日の出(hatsu hi no de) is the first sunrise of the year, 初詣(hatsu mode) is the first visit to the shrine, 初釜(hatsu gama) is the first tea ceremony 初稽古(hatsu geiko) is the first practice, and 初仕事(hatsu shigoto) is the first work.

May you have a wonderful dream!

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