Monday, September 16, 2024


It was fine and hot.

I make it a rule to visit the nearby shrine on the 1st day and the 15th day of the month. Usually I go there before going to work but today is Sunday, so I went there in the evening.

After that I went grocery shopping.

My 131st book campaign was over.
 I submitted the draft of the 132nd ebook.

At night there was a zoom session of sacred place visiting.

Saturday, September 14, 2024


It was fine and hot.

I got up early and headed for Ueno to attend the Mimarukane taisai (巳成金大祭) festival at 10 AM.

After that I headed for Sakuragicho to attend a seminar after a long interval.
It lasted for two hours.

After the seminar I went to Iseyama kotai jingu shrine and Naritasan temple after three months or so.

I took a bus and went to NHK Yokohama to see the exhibitions of morning drama, Tora ni tsubasa (虎に翼) and taiga drama, Hikaru kimi e (光る君へ). It was interesting.

I walked to the China town, and bought sweets and corn tea.

I decided to go to a Chinese restaurant I used to go.

At night there was the 12th zoom gathering of the online school I attended three years ago. This is the last event. I am glad to attend.

It was an eventful day.


It was fine and hot.

I am getting busier at work these days.

There are two three day weekend in September.

I feel like going somewhere but there are something I should do. So I would stay at home.

I happened to find a nice JR pass, so I may travel in October.

Friday, September 13, 2024


It was fine and hot.

The sunset time has become earlier.
There were many things at work.

I overworked for half an hour and when I came out, the sun has already set.
However it is still hot.
My 131st ebook became No.1 in the Netherland and the USA. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


It was fine and hot.

It's been 23 years since the 911 happened.
But I did not hear any news about it. 

The only news from the USA was TV presidential debate.

I talked with friends over the phone after two years.
My 131st ebook became No.1 in Japan.


It was fine and hot.

There were many things to do at work.

After work my colleague and I went to see the Fudo waterfall.

After that I went tn the banks and shops.

My 131st book present campaign has started. I hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


It was fine and hot during the daytime but rained in the night.

September 9 is known as Choyo no sekku (重陽の節句) or Chrysanthemum Festival, which is one of five seasonable festivals.

They say today is September 9, Showa 99 if you count by Showa era.

I stayed and worked at home from 8:45 to 15:30 and took two hours off to attend monthly meeting.

I used the last ticket of the Seishun 18 kippu from Kurihama to Kanda, vice verse.

After the meeting I met my friend and had dinner.

I published the 131st ebook today.

Sunday, September 8, 2024


It was fine and hot.

I stayed at home mostly but visited my neighbor in the afternoon. They gave me some buns. I brought a book about her and asked the autograph. 

I washed and cleaned.

I prepared publishing the 131st ebook which is about my trip to Aomori.

At night I attended a zoom seminar about calendar reading.


It was fine.

Today is Hakuro (白露), one of nijushisekki (二十四節気), 24 Solar terms. Last one was shosho (処暑) on August 22, and the next one is shubun (秋分) on September 22.

In the morning I went to the nearby shrine to prepare the annual festival which 
happened after 5 years.

After that I went to Matsuda to visit two waterfalls with my frliend. Both were vey nice.

To my lucky I could take pictures of Diamond Fuji.

We ate sushi for dinner.

It was a nice day. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024


It was fine and hot.

Since I was on a business trip yesterday, there were many paperworks.

The sunset was so beautiful that I stopped at Tateishi to to take pictures.

 The time of sunset became earlier day by day.

At night I watched two movies on TV.

Thursday, September 5, 2024


It was fine.

I left home before 7AM to attend a meeting in Tachikawa at 10AM.  It lasted for two hours.

After that I visited the Polar Science Museum nearby. It was interestiog.

I went to Ginza to see an art exhibition. I met a friend there. 

I went to Shin Sugita to have my hair cut and perm after two months.

I had dinner at a noodle shop.
It was an eventful day.


It was fine and not so hot.

I was rather busy at work.

Present campain of No.130 ebook has begun.
To my glad it's been No.1 in Japan.

I am enjoying communication with friends after informing.

Recently I knew my neighbor's life story was published, and I bought it.  I finally read it. It was about war time story. I did not know about most of her life story. It was a nice opportunity to know about her.
It is POD, Print on Demand which is good.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


It rained heavily early in the morning.

It was cloudy and cool. They say it will be cool tomorrow, but be hot again in the weekend.

This was the hottest sunmer.

I stayed and worked at home.

I cooked at night.

Today is the new moon. It is a good time to think of wishes. I have started writing 10 wishes on the notebook since January 2017 and today is the last page. For the past 7 years and a half, main goals are almost the same. Isn't it interesting?

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


It was fine.

Today is a day of Tsuchi no 
to mi, day of snake which happens every 60 days. It has close relationship with money,

I published the 130th ebook. It is about my trip to Kinkasan this year in July.
Thy say that if you visit Kinkasan for  three years straight, you would never be in need of money for the rest of your life.

Isn't it a good timing?

There was a lot of things to do at work.

I received the mail order goods.

Sunday, September 1, 2024


A new month has started.

September is kugatsu (9月, 九月) or nagatsuki (長月) in Japanese.

There will be an annual festival of the nearby shrine next week. Therefore there was a community work of cleaning of the shrine precinct in the morning.

After that it started raining.

There are something to do on the first day of the month. 
After coming home I changed the plant, rice, salt, and water of the in-house shrine, which is one of them.  I also changed 5 mounted salt, which is the other of them.
I posted the monthly calendar reading, which is another of them.
To visit the shrine is also very important event.  And I did when I went to clean the precinct.

After lunch I headed for the State Guest House, Akasaka Palace in Yotsuya to have Afternoon Tea.  My friend came late. She kindly treated me.
So I treated her supper instead.

It was a nice visit.

At night I attened a zoom session.

It was a nice start of the month.