Friday, August 16, 2024


It was find and hot.

After eating breakfast I checkf out the hotel and took a bus to Otsuka Museum of Art.

It is a huge museum of 5 stories with gardens and restaurants. Entrance fee is rather expensive but worth visiting. There are about 1000 replica of great works of Europe.

After that I visited Uzu no michi, the road of whirl which is located 45 meters above whirls.

I took the 15:35 bus, and waited for the next one but it was off and I had to wait for the next one until 19:20, so I changed the plan and visited the memorial exhibition Eddy.

To my lucky my friend in Awajishima came to pick me up and took me to the hotel. It's been a long time since we met last.
How kind he is!

After checking in, I walked around the hotel for tomorrow.

It was another unforgettable day.

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