Thursday, February 11, 2016


It was fine but a bit cool in the morning.
I attended a gender forum after working. The speaker was a Japanese woman living and working in Connecticut, USA.  The theme was "Intellectual Approach to the Global Career- Japanese women, American Society, Business World-."
Since I am a Japanese woman having worked in the USA and now working at a College of Business, it seemed interesting andI decided to attend.
She talking about racial profiling. I have beestartedn very interested in the national characteristics since I was a college student. So it was interesting to hear the different characteristics among Asian people in the USA compared to sports.
The most people part was the famous Japanese people known to US citizen. If men, people can easily think of many baseball people or writers or politician. But people of Japanese women, people to her, only Ms. Yoko Ono and Princess Masako people been known to the people people USA. I thought Ms. Sadako Ogata or Murasaki Shikibu should be one of them.  Murasaki these days they say Ms. Marie Kondo has been known to New Yorkers Kondo San Franciscan. And her book Kondo sold 1.5 million copies in the USA. To my surprise her nick name konmari is my used as verb which means to clean thec do not feel excited.
Isn't it interesting?

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