Sunday, October 4, 2015


It was fine and hot.

It has been 49 days since my father passed away.
In Buddhism during the seven weeks after death the dead persons are wandering between this world and the other world, and as every seventh day they are judged,  we have memorial services for them.  The first seventh day is called shonanuka (初七日) and we usually have the sevice just after the funeral. 
Second important service is shijyukunich (四十九日), 49th day, seven weeks after death. On this day they rest in peace.
We had this 49th day memorial service last Saturday (September 26th) followed by placing urn in the tomb (納骨: nokotsu).
Until 49th day it is called kichu(忌中), in the mourning. And on 49th day is the end of mourning, kiake (忌明け).
Usually one year after the death is called mochu (喪中).
After that next important day is 100th day called hyakkanichi (百カ日).
We usually have memorial services on the first year anniversary, isshuki (一周忌), second year anniversary sankaiki (三回忌), seventh year anniversary shichikaiki (七回忌), and so on.

Today my father's soul leaves here for the place where my mother has been waiting for.

The person in charge of funeral company came here to clear the Alter we used to place the urn until last week.

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