It was cloudy at first but became fine and rather hot.
I wore kimono and visited the nearby shrine as a ritual of the 15th day of the month.
I went to Shin Okubo to see friends and visited a place to get a special ceremony which is only available once in a life time.
After that we had vegetarian lunch and visited one of the biggest wooden statue of the Happy Buddha.
After saying good-bye to them, I went to Waseda to visit Ana hachimangu shrine where I visited in January to return the charm of the last year. It is only available between Winter Solstice and Setsubun, a day before the first day of Spring.
There are only three days to be able to put the charm on the wall of the direction of good-luck of the year. I went there to buy the one of this year, and there were still two weeks or so before setsubun, I could not return of the last year.
After that I went to Kimono Style Miya to have dressed, hair set, and pictures taken.
I went to see the creator of today's kimono. He was really pleased to see his kimono and shawl.
I got many presents today.
Thank you, thank you, tank you!