Tuesday, October 15, 2024


It was fine. Weather forecast said it would be hot like summer but it was cool.

As a ritual of the 15th I went to the nearby shrine before going to the office.

My 136th ebook was released. It is a collection of sunlight picturers I took in September. It is the 41st ebook of sunlight pictures. However, one of the ebooks (November 2023) was blocked, and it is counted as 40th ebook.

It is Jusanya (十三夜), the 13th night. The moon is beautiful.

I am planning next trips.

Monday, October 14, 2024


It was fine.

It is a national holiday called Sports Day.
It was used to be Taiiku no hi (体育の日), Physical Education Day on October 10 to commemorate the opening of Tokyo Olympic 1964. 

However since 2000 it's been on the second Monday of October, and since 2020 it's become Sports Day.

It is also Day of Railway today.

I stayed at home all day long.

To my glad my135th ebook become No.1 in Canada.


It was fine.

I checked out the hotel and walked to Enakyo. It took more than one hour. I took cruishing from 9AM for half an hour.

After sightseehing there I headed for Aichi prefecture to visit two shrines I wanted to visit.

After that I came back home by JR Fall Free Pass which you can get on the local trains for three days. It cost yen 7850, but the regular total fare is yen 13090.

For these three days I could visit the places I have wanted to visit. So it was a nice trip.

I came home around 11:30 PM.